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By John Holdsworth
The golf downswing is a complex and important movement to become skilled at. Here are various golf downswing tips to help you perfect the downswing and play better golf and reduce your handicap.
The perfect golf downswing is achieved by returning the club face square to the ball with loads of energy. It is essential to maintain good tempo and rhythm. Your lower body becomes the trigger for your downswing. By the top of the backswing your weight has shifted to your right hip and you should be in a relaxed position.
Both feet must be retained solidly on the ground through the downswing and throughout impact with the ball. If you raise your left heel during the backswing, place it back in position before commencing the downswing. A very slight hesitation at the top of your backswing and before you start the downswing can be helpful with control. Your feet are the basis of a smooth, solid swing. This will start the weight shift back to the left side. The left hip now starts the downswing, pulling the hands, arms and club down to the midpoint position.
The path of your club will be slightly inside that of your backswing. Problems will be caused by any sudden move at this stage. Think of your left arm as a powerful lever which will pull the club head back to the ball with power and accuracy. Keep it comfortably straight and don’t let it bend under pressure.
As you swing down, the speed of the downswing will get gradually faster until the wrists start to uncock, delivering the club head to the ball at terrific speed. Club head speed is the key to distance, not smashing the ball as hard as you can.
During the golf downswing the weight is transferred from the right to the left. At impact a little more than half of your weight should be on the inside of your left foot. Keep your head as still as possible until after you have struck the ball.
The downswing is felt with your feet. If the hip and leg actions are not spot on you will lose smoothness.
It is vital, on the golf downswing, that your lower body rotates as it should be otherwise your hands, wrists and arms shape the swing path. This means the club head moves outside the ball-to-target line at the start of the downswing before being pulled across your body from out to in. A slice will be the result of this because the club face will not be square at impact with the ball.
By the end of your swing your right shoulder will be closer to the target than your left and your hips will be at 90 degrees to the ball to target line, only the toe of your right foot will be on the ground.
It is vital to keep your balance throughout the swing. You are trying too hard if you lose it. Control your weight transfer smoothly and create controlled power. Also make sure you control the speed of the swing.
These are some of the best golf tips to help you with your golf downswing.
About the Author: These
golf downswing tips
along with
the perfect backswing
will help you achieve a better golf swing giving you more satisfaction from your game.
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